Because conscious leaders make for powerful teams.

As leaders, alongside your strengths, passions, and grit that have got you to the leadership position you are in, we also carry our own sets of wounds, triggers, core conditionings, limiting beliefs, and ways of thinking and behaving when faced in difficult and challenging circumstances.


Because leaders are in such important and influential positions, where others look to them for guidance and direction about their own approaches and decision making, and where leaders strive to make long-lasting and impactful change, it’s important for leaders to be at their best.

Not only for themselves and to do their own legacies justice, but also for those around them.

Because when you are at your best, your teams will flourish. When you are at your worst, or leading from a place of limitations or wounds, those around you will meet you there.


At Sharné Consulting through our Mindset Coaching services, we work with leaders by adopting a conscious leadership model.

Conscious leadership recognises that each leader has triggers, subconscious limiting beliefs, negative core beliefs and core conditionings that unintentionally impacts how they show up, react, make decisions and lead their teams.

It also recognises that each leader has an infinite amount of potential once they become conscious to their subconscious limitations, work through and release these and intentionally take control of how they show up, respond and lead.