2-HR Masterclass Sessions

At Sharné Consulting, one of our core pillars is Thriving Businesses.

We know all to well, however that no business can come to life and thrive, without its employees and teams, who make up the heartbeat of the business.

That is one (of the many!) reasons we are incredibly passionate about advocating for, and the fostering of, Mental Health Resilience in the Workplace.

When working with businesses in this space, we offer a range of products and services, including executive coaching, conscious leadership coaching, employee development programs and much more!

But sometimes, we understand that businesses want to dip their toe in before making a long-term commitment and investment, and we all know that Rome wasn’t built in a day!

So to get a look and feel for what employee and team development can look like, and the infinite potential that can be unlocked from it, Sharné Consulting is proud to have developed our Thriving Teams Workshop and our 2-hour Masterclass Sessions.

Our 2-Hour Masterclass Sessions

Introducing our Thriving Teams, 2-hour Masterclass Sessions.

At Sharné Consulting, we understand that in-depth personal development of employees and teams are not always a commercial possibility, and that starting somewhere is always the first (and right!) step to take.

That is why we have created our range of 2-hour Masterclass Sessions, where we come to your Business for a dynamic interactive 2-hour Masterclass Session with you and your team. This is often done over lunch, on a Friday afternoon or as part of team development days.

Our 2-hour Masterclass Sessions have been designed to provide profound insights and powerful shifts within your employees and teams on the various topics available, and to equip them with the newly found skills, strategies and tools needed so that when they walk away, they have taken their first step towards #thriving minds.

Our 2-hour Masterclass training sessions also provide a beautiful way for teams to come together and work on ‘pain points’ or ‘current business goals’ together, fostering collaboration, a deep sense of belonging and being part of something bigger.

For our Leaders and Executives

  • Truly powerful leaders lead with the perfect blend of head and heart. By showing empathy for employees, leaders are able to truly see and understand what their employees are experiencing and feeling, thereby allowing them to most effectively motivate, lead and empower. This 2-hour Masterclass is designed to give leaders the necessary insights and tools to continue to develop their empathy, so that they can continue to build powerful and meaningful teams.

  • Most leaders got to where they are, because they are high-performers and excel in everything they touch. Sometimes, when we act from this space, we leave little room for those in our team to truly step up, lighten the load and be empowered to innovate. Instead, we can easily fall into the trap of ‘just doing it ourself’ or inadvertently creating an environment where our teams and employees over rely on us for direction, answers, problem solving and validation. Our 2-hour Masterclass is aimed at empowering leaders to become conscious to why they are at high risk of falling into the trap of creating environments of overdependency, the long term benefits of self-efficient Teams to the Business and arming them with the tools and strategies needed to foster an environment of self-efficacy, autonomy and empowerment.

  • Most leaders have experienced, or still experience, the pesky and unhelpful Imposter Syndrome. Imposter Syndrome shows up in various ways and thought patterns, and almost always drives us to shrink and play small. Our 2-hour Masterclass is designed to provide profound insights into what imposter syndrome is, why it manifests and how to combat it so you can step into your true power and purpose.

  • Most leaders and executives need to have tough conversations throughout their career. Whether it be with clients, external stakeholders or their employees and teams. It can be difficult territory to navigate, particularly when there are human emotions involved. It’s tricky to find the balance between not saying enough early on and saying too much too loudly. Our 2-hour Masterclass will give you the insights necessary to understand your ‘conversation’ style and provide you with tips, tools and strategies to work with your style to have these conversations in an effective and empowering manner.

  • Every person has a default response when facing any perceived threat, and this is no different when it comes to our employees and teams. Perceived threats from an employee and team perspective could look like a difficult conversation from a customer or client, constructive feedback by managers and leaders, inter team conflict, a disruptive or change within the business and so on! Our 2-hour Masterclass is aimed at educating leaders on the different response types with respect to their employees, and how to work with each of these styles to unlock and empower meaningful actions and outcomes, as opposed to triggered and unproductive reactions.

  • Whether we are leading a team, our clients or a specific project, each and every one of us have a set of wounds, a set of subconscious beliefs (negative core beliefs and limiting beliefs) and core conditionings that show up in our everyday lives, including when we lead. Sometimes, these triggers will serve and play a meaningful role. Other times, our triggers can show up in a way that has us reacting vs responding, leading to unproductive and counterintuitive outcomes. Our 2-hour Masterclass is aimed at arming leaders and executives with the awareness and knowledge on triggers, what they are, why they show up, how they show up and how they can be limiting. It then goes on to provide the necessary insights into how understanding and working with our triggers, will allow us to become truly unstoppable, and at the same time allow us to foster a collaborative, connected and high achieving environment.

For our Teams

  • Many employees struggle with the inner resilience and regulation to take feedback the way in which it is intended, as a constructive and necessary part of growth, expansion and thriving businesses. Our 2-hour Masterclass is aimed at empowering employees with the necessary insights to understand why ‘mistakes’ and feedback is vital to growth and success, and to arm them with tips and strategies to reframe any mistake as a powerful learning opportunity and tool.

  • Every person has a default response when facing any perceived threat. Perceived threats in business for an employee and teams could look like a difficult conversation by a customer or client, constructive feedback by managers and leaders, inter team conflict, a disruptive or change within the business and so on. Our 2-hour Masterclass is aimed at educating employees and teams on the different response types, how to work with each of these styles (not only for better awareness of themselves, but also better awareness of their fellow team members). When employees are armed with the necessary tools to work with each style (as opposed to react against it), everything becomes in-flow and all of a sudden we are fostering a truly impactful and powerful environment, as opposed to having employees and teams triggered and defaulting to unproductive coping mechanisms.

  • Communication is one of the most vital tools for fostering a thriving environment, team and business. Often, however we along with our employees and teams struggle to embody what is at the heart of communication, which is about being able to identify and speak of the true need, and at the same time being able to listen, understand and objectively respond. Anything short of this leads to assumptions, and assumptions will lead to reactions every day of the week. During this powerful 2-hour Masterclass, we will teach you, your employees and your teams the necessary skills to have truly meaningful conversations that lead to profound outcomes, on the basis of speaking your true need, and listening to understand and accurately respond.

  • In an external world, looking internal at your part to play, how best you can play it and what is blocking you from playing it, is inherently difficult. Paradoxically, when we embody the ability to take full accountability by looking within, we unlock a world of potential, possibilities and outcomes we were never aware of or believed to be possible. The greatest power we have, is the power within, and this 2-hour Masterclass is designed to inspire and empower employees to look inwards, take accountability of what is in their control and thereby build the resilience to drive outcomes and results previously unimaginable.

All of our 2-hour Masterclasses has the option of being extended to 3 hours, whereby we tailor it to a specific scenario, issue or goal that is currently relevant to your business.

We can also create a bespoke 2 – 3 hour Masterclass for your business, topic, issue or goal specific.

Prices start from $880.00.

Contact us today to start making the move from thriving to surviving – and watch the transformation unfold!


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